I typically sing all my favorite songs when I take on the challenge of trying to make Vidur sleep. When Vidur was five months, I realized that twinkle, twinkle little star was my key to blissful sleep. This tune helped me pacify him, make him eat (he used to fuss when I first introduced solids) and make him sleep. Around this time, my sister visited me. While feeding Nestum, I was singing twinkle, twinkle... By then, my sister was sick of hearing this tune. She suggested that I try Do, re, me fa, 'lukh chup lukh chup jao na' or 'lakdi ki kati' (anything but twinkle, twinkle). Just to prove a point, I sang do, re, me, fa and Vidur started howling again. I quickly switched back to twinkle, twinkle and he got back to eating his meal!
My sis was rocking the baby to sleep. Thinking that she could make a difference, she started to sing a really melodious hindi number. Predictably, Vidur wailed out his protest. She finally gave up and resorted to twinkle, twinkle. Whenever we went out, I used to sing it quietly in his ear to ensure that he does not scream out. First I noticed that my hubby was also using this tune to sing Vidur to sleep. One by one i realized that my mother, my mother in law and so on all resorted to this tune to console this kid.
Unfortunately, he has now outgrown this. Twinkle, twinkle no longer works. 'Kabhi, Kabhi Aditi' grabs his attention for a few minutes before he remembers that he was crying. He probably thinks that if I show interest in this song, mom will learn the whole song and sing it all the time! I am still testing the waters... hope to find another magic tune soon!
Smart Kid!! since I know yr singing I can understand why he doesnt want you to try new tunes!!!!!
Thanx.... hmmmph! I have been practicing... I think I sound better now.. :)
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