Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award - Thank You Speech

My good friend and colleague, Nishana has awarded this blog the Stylish Blogger Award. I would like to thank her for the same. As per tradition of this award, I am to list 7 random facts about me. But, because this blog is about me, my son and my doggie, you will have to read 7 random facts about each one of us. What can I say, it's tradition. :)

7 Random Facts About Archana
  1. I absolutely love reading books ranging from Mills and Boons to James Patterson to Learning by Doing. What I can't stand and never finish are self-help books. They bore me to death. 
  2. I watch animated movies and the current cartoons more because I enjoy them. But, I let people believe that I am forced to watch them because of my son. :)
  3. I am a sympathetic listener and most people tend to share their life stories with me. 
  4. I love my work and feel sorry for those who don't. I also work from home and hate people who assume I have it easy and don't respect my work. 
  5. My mom is my strength, my sister my confidant/critic.
  6. I am reserved with people I don't know or don't like and extremely talkative with people I know and love. 
  7. I did not know that I was a 'creative' person till I joined Kern. I did not know that I write well till I started writing for the company blog. 
7 Random Facts About Vidur
  1. Use any gadget in front of him once and he will master it. Be it switching on and using a treadmill, playing a car racing game on my father-in-law's iPhone, operating my phone to play games, watch a video, take a pic, and so on. 
  2. He has learnt the art of persuasion. If amma says no, ask ammama (grandmother). It always works. Grandmother's heart melts. 
  3. He loves pastas and noodles. He gets extremely excited when he sees a dominoes delivery bike and runs upto to him and requests for pasta.  
  4. He imitates the cartoon heroes. If you see him playing by himself, you will observe him talking to himself and saying 'Toodles' or eating ladoos or behaving like tom or jerry. At this young age, he also says I will be Buzz Lightyear, what do you want to be? 
  5. I find it more entertaining watching his face as he watches something on TV. His face is a kaleidoscope of expressions. 
  6. He fears nothing. He is not scared of the dark or of being left alone or of being whacked or policemen. The closest he comes to fearing anything is Deepa chithi, I think. She is the only one he listens to. :)
  7. He can be a terror with all the running and jumping he does, but he loves to help out. Ask him to get water for you, or help you clean the titles and he will do so immediately. 
 7 Random Facts About Tuffy
  1. Tuffy had another home before ours. The couple gave him away because they were relocating. Their loss I believe. 
  2. He insists on saying hi to EVERYONE. He does not understand there are dog-people and non-dog people. In his world, everyone loves him. 
  3. If you walk around with a handkerchief, you better watch out. This is his biggest weakness. He has to have that piece of cloth. 
  4. He finds food on Vidur's plate more interesting than food in his own plate. This is the case even when it is the same thing! 
  5. He is extremely possessive about me. Rajeev and I were talking once and Tuffy decides to butt in and sit on my lap. My uncle and dad fondly call him a cow because of his size. :) 
  6. He understands Tamil better than English. He listens (unfortunately) only to me. 
  7. He loves chewing on plastics toys/cups and soft toys. The satisfaction he gets from ripping a toy apart is incomparable.     
I would like to pass this award to the following blogs:
Thank and link back to the person who sent you the award.
Share seven things about yourself.
Spread the love and honor. Award recently discovered bloggers.
Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.