I am feeling very guilty about not blogging. It has been a long time. Work, my sister's marriage preparations, and Vidur kept me busy. I have been dying to share the list of things that fascinate Vidur. Here they are:
Firstly, he loves dogs (I love dogs too and therefore, I am secretly proud of this!) He stops to talk to a stray dog and enjoys watching Micky (my parent's dog) on the Webcam. He loves his stuffed doggie. He gives it a hug very often and carries it around. He also feeds it whatever he is eating. He insists that the doggie open its mouth and so, he keeps saying 'aaaa, aaaa'. They make a cute picture. He is also fascinated by other animals. He loves watching the goats eat garbage from the balcony. During his evening walks, he stops and stares at the cow (with huge, colourful horns) that is tied to a pole. He thoroughly enjoyed his time at the Doha zoo. Vandalur zoo was a big disappointment for him. (will not go into the details here; it was my fault after all. All the animals were in their den and we were under the hot, merciless sun hoping for a glimse!)
Vidur loves escalators. He insists on standing on it as it takes him up. When it is over, he demands that he be taken on it again. We had taken him to Citi Center last weekend. There are four pairs of escalators in this mall. He loved every minute of it. He is yet to understand that escalators are unidirectional and kept insisting that we go back to the one we left. So, rather than have him run around the mall pulling stackes of clothing with him, we prefer accompanying Vidur on the escalator over and over again.
A huge gang - My parents, sister, grandmother, sister's future in-laws, hubby, vidur and I - visited the beach two weeks back. It was a pleasant evening. Vidur enjoyed playing with the sand. He took a fistful of sand and threw it around. He was not too keen about the water and the waves. He refused to stand in the water. :) He played football with other kids (for about a minute). His dad promptly bought him a ball. But Vidur was through playing football. He wanted to now cover the plastic stools near the bhaji stall with sand. His grandfather made him sit in a merry-go-round. He looked majestic sitting in a red car. He was very reluctant to leave it.
Electrical Machines
He has to be around when we switch on the TV, microwave, blender, grinder, or open the fridge. He has learnt to switch the TV on/off using the big round button on the TV. We are having a really diffciult time getting him to stop. The naugty boy watches the ads and switches it off when my program begins!
Vidur is facinated by commercial advertisements. Regardless of whether it is a fairness cream or a Harpic ad, he loves it. He stares at the screen in awe. My cousin's son, Aarav and Rishabh, also love ads. So it must be the catchy tone, the attention grabbing incidents that capture their interest.
He hears a tune and he starts dancing. He dances when our neighbor plays music, when a car with a musical tune reverses, anything that sings. It is a pleasure to watch him enjoy the music.
Most of all Vidur is thoroughly fascinated by his favorite playmate- HIS MOM! You have to see it to believe the adoration that pours out of him eyes when he looks at his mom. If she is not around, his pitiful "ammammmamam" can melt the strongest of hearts. And this is despite the fact that Archana is always around! He may be playing with his doggie, going on an escalator, watching ads on the TV etc, but some sixth sense in hIm is always aware of where his mom is and what she is upto. Its amazing that at such a young age kids develop that sense.So its not only archana looking out for vidur but in a lot of ways its a doting son looking out for his dedicated MOM
My worst critic calling me a dedicated mom... Have no words for this one except thanks (all emotional now..sniff, sniff).
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